Worship Service begins at 25:00
Sermon begins at 45:10
Incomparable: Fashioned
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
We are dependent on God's merciful work.
I. We thank God for what is accomplished through the gospel message.
II. We pray for God's ongoing work within us. (vs. 9-12)
A. Be filled with the knowledge of His will.
B. Being strengthened with all power.
Worship Service begins at 21:44
Sermon begins at 40:35
In God We Trust: Empowered
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
We need to pray for God's empowerment.
I. That you would be strengthened with power through His Spirit.
II. That you would comprehend the depths of Christ's love.
III. That you would be filled with all the fullness of God.
Worship Service begins at 18:20
Sermon begins at 37:30
In God We Trust: God's Provision
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
We must trust God to provide for all our needs.
I. Placing our trust in God leads to contentment.
II. Being content is key to having a generous heart.
III. Our greatest need is to trust God.
In God We Trust: Direction
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
What does God want me to do?
I. God wants me to acknowledge Him. (Romans 1:21; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
II. God wants me to represent Him in this world. (Romans 8:29)
III. God wants me to serve Him. (Ephesians 2:8-10)
Worship Service begins at 18:20
Sermon begins at 33:05
With Us: Church - A People for God
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
I. The Old Testament reveals God's imperfect Kingdom in need of a perfect King
Deuteronomy 6:5
Hosea 6:6, 12:6
Micah 8:6
II. The Gospels tell of the coming King who will reign perfectly.
Ephesians 1:20-21
III. The Church is assembling of God's Kingdom people.
Worship Service begins at 11:35
Sermon begins at 26:15
With Us: The Promised Helper
Speaker: Jonah Stiltner
Text: John 16:4-15
I. The Holy Spirit is His own person, begotten from the Father.
II. Because Jesus came, we identify with the Holy Spirit as the church.
III. Salvation/Regeneration is solidified only through the Holy Spirit.
Worship Service begins at 8:30
Sermon begins at 27:00
With Us: Immanuel Promised
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Matthew 1:18-25
God's gift to us is His presence through Jesus.
I. God desires unity with His creation.
II. Humanity fails to unite with God.
III. As promised God sends Jesus to be Immanuel, God with us.
Worship Service begins at 19:35
Sermon begins at 38:15
Measured: Hope Beyond Judgment
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Amos 9:1
There is hope beyond God's devastating Judgment.
I. God will raise up a Notional for Himself. (Amos 9:11-12)
II. God will recreate productivity and abundance. (Amos 9:13-15)
III. God will restore our walk with Him.
Worship Service begins at 19:10
Sermon begins at 35:55
Measured: The End
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Amos 7:7-9, 8:1-3
The End is near and it won't be good for those unprepared.
I. The defiant don't want to talk about the end. (Amos 7:12-13, 2 Timothy 4:2-4)
II. The worst to come is the absolute absence of God. (Amos 8:11-12)
Worship Service begins at 24:15
Sermon begins at 41:00
Measured: Intercession
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Amos 7:1-6
We must be actively praying for the lost.
I. God will hear and consider our requests we make on behalf of the lost.
II. Those who intercede care deeply for the ones they are praying for.
III. Those who intercede do so to make a difference.
Worship Service begins at 14:00
Sermon begins at 31:55
Measured: Day of the Lord
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Amos 5:18-20
We must be prepared for the final day of the Lord.
I. We cannot be ignorant for that coming day.
II. Our worship should reflect God's great ending. (vs. 21-23)
III. The one who endures will be saved. (Matthew 24:4-14)
Worship Service begins at 18:35
Sermon begins at 26:30
Measured: Seek God and Live
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Amos 5
God's impending Judgment brings grief.
Reasons for Lamenting:
I. God's Judgment brings destruction. (vs. 1-3)
II. Out of the many only a remnant will remain. (vs. 4-6, 15)
III. Sinfulness leads to grieving. (vs. 10-13)
Worship Service begins at 8:10
Sermon begins at 30:50
Measured: Failed
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Amos 2:6-16
Greater revelation means greater responsibility.
Warning to God's people:
I. We must not fail in being grateful to God.
II. We must not fail in honoring God.
III. We must not fail in representing God to the world.
Worship Service begins at 17:25
Sermon begins at 38:00
Measured: God Roars
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Amos 1:1-2
I. God chooses regular people to deliver His message.
II. God does what He says.
III. God continues to control every aspect of this world.
IV. God reveals himself to humankind.