Worship Service begins at 16:00
Sermon begins at 32:30
Taking Root: Living Gospel
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 28
Be active in the spread of the gospel.
I. Hardships often set the stage to spread the gospel.
II. Today we join Paul in the spread of the gospel.
III. The gospel will be received or rejected, our job is to deliver. (vs. 23-28)
Worship Service begins at 22:40
Sermon begins at 45:30
Taking Root: Guilty for Believing
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 26:1-18
We want to be found guilty of believing in the resurrection of Jesus.
I. God's promise gives us hope. (26:4-7)
II. It is through Jesus' resurrection we have confidence in the fulfillment of God's promises. (26:8-15)
III. If we believe Jesus lives we will share the news. (26:16-18)
Worship Service begins at 3:00
Sermon begins at 20:45
Taking Root: Not Guilty
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 24:11-21
We may face condemnation from the world as long as we are found guiltless before God.
I. We must not stir up trouble. (1 Peter 2:12)
II. We are to pursue a clear conscience before God.
III. Look to do good and seek peace.
Worship Service begins at 18:55
Sermon begins at 30:20
Taking Root: Sheep among Wolves
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Matthew 10:16-18
We are to Represent Jesus in this adverse world.
Jesus honoring conduct:
1. Be Wise (Acts 22:25-26:9)
2. Be Innocent (Acts 23:1-5)
3. Be Shrewd (Acts 23:-6-7)
4. Be Confident (Acts 23:11)
Worship Service begins at 10:55
Sermon begins at 27:30
Walk by the Spirit: Self-Control
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Galatians 5:22-23
The problem with self-control is we cannot control ourselves.
I. From the beginning humanity has failed to be in control.
II. God gave His people the law to control themselves yet it only uncovered their sinfulness.
III. Philosophers made self-control their focus and it falls short of fulfillment.
IV. Only through the transforming work of Jesus can we find control over self. (Romans 6:4; 8:10-11)
Worship Service begins at 14:30
Sermon begins at 28:25
Walk by the Spirit: Gentleness
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Galatians 5:22-23
As we walk by the Spirit we will learn to act with gentleness.
I. The fruit of gentleness is not weakness but is defined by strength.
II. We are to use gentleness to restore a fellow believer who is caught in sinfulness. (Galatians 6:1)
III. We are to act in gentleness as we share our faith with the lost. (1 Peter 3:15-18)
Worship Service begins at 12:15
Sermon begins at 26:35
Walk by the Spirit: Faithfulness
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Galatians 5:22-23
We want a faith that honors God.
I. God desires faithful people
II. God enables us to grow in our faithfulness.
III. God will reward His people for their faithfulness
Worship Service begins at 13:10
Sermon begins at 28:55
Walk by the Spirit: Patience
Speaker: Eric VonSpreckelsen
Text: Galatians 5:16-23; James 5:7-10
I. Be patient when circumstances are out of our control. (James 5:7-8)
II. Be patient when we find people to be difficult. (James 5:9-10)
Truth: Godly patience is only possible when we have an eternal perspective.
Worship Service begins at 11:53
Sermon begins at 27:07
Walk by the Spirit: Peace
Speaker: Michael Berg
Text: Galatians 5:22-23 3
Facets of Peace
I. Eternal Peace: Peace Between Man and God
II. Internal Peace: Peace Between Man and Himself
III. External Peace: Peace Between Man and His Neighbor
Worship Service begins at 21:10
Sermon begins at 36:30
Baptism at 1:19:25
Nothing But the Best
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Matthew 20:20-24
I. A mother wants what she feels is best for her children.
II. The best is that her children come to know God's salvation through Jesus.
III. The best is also that they learn to serve in God's kingdom.
Worship Service begins at 22:30
Sermon begins at 37:55
Taking Root: Defense
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 22:1-21
The Gospel is solid and worth defending.
I. The gospel is evident through its transforming work.
II. The gospel stands because Jesus lives.
III. The gospel continues as the focused work of the church.
Worship Service begins at 20:20
Sermon begins at 34:20
Taking Root: Trouble Among Believers
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 21:17-30
Believers cannot be zealous for the wrong things.
I. Be careful of what you are zealous for.
II. Zeal for the wrong things will create trouble among believers.
III. Our greatest zeal should be focused on Jesus and His gospel.