Title: The Search Part 5: In God's Presence
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Ecclesiastes 5:1-5
Theme: How to approach the One and only God:
1. God deserves your best attention.
2. Know that He is God and you are not.
3. If you make a vow to God you best keep it.
We apologize for the audio sync issues.
Title: Faith in the Darkness Part 4: In God We Trust
Speaker: Matthew Johnson
Text: Habakkuk 3:1-19
1. Biblical trust is built on communication.
2. Biblical trust is built on history
3. Biblical trust is built on hope.
4. Biblical trust is built on resolve.
Title: Faith in the Darkness Part 3: Pride Cometh
Speaker: Matthew Johnson
Text: Habakkuk 2:6-20
1. There is ONE standard for Good.
2. You are not the center of His universe.
3. God's glory brings humility.
Title: Faith in the Darkness Part 2: Darkness Does not Determine
Speaker: Matthew Johnson
Text: Habakkuk 1:12-2:1
1. Discipline and Grace go Hand in Hand
2. The Righteous Shall Live by Faith.
Title: Faith in the Darkness Part 1: God is Present in the Darkness
Speaker: Matthew Johnson
Text: Habakkuk 1:1-11
1. Doubt is not the enemy.
2. God Reigns Supreme.
Title: The Search Part 4: View From the Top
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Ecclesiastes 4:1-8
Theme: There is no place or position that you can be free from trouble.
Facts about worldly troubles:
1. You are better off dead than to live under oppression.
2. Envy is an evil and endless pursuit.
3. It is not good for anyone to be alone.
Title: The Search Part 3: View From The Fog
Text: Ecclesiastes 3:9-15
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Theme: There's trouble when we don't see God's story.
Two stages of frustration that come from an unclear view:
1. It's difficult to be excited about life if we cannot see what God is doing.
2. Life is absolutely depressing when we look at it without God. (vs. 16-22)
3. A clear view of God is available through Jesus.
Title: The Search Part 2: Nothing Lasts Forever
Text: Ecclesiastes 2:24-25
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Theme: Solomon's research: Looking for what is lasting.
1. You will find no contentment in pleasures. (vs. 1-3, 10)
2. There is no lasting meaning in your work. (vs. 4-11)
3. Whether we are wise or foolish we end the same. (vs. 12-23)
4. Solomon's bottom line: Enjoy the temporary simple things that come from God. (vs. 24-26)
Title: The Search Part 1: The Thesis
Text: Ecclesiastes 1:2-18
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts Theme: A wise worldly look at life.
1. The world never changes. It is what it is. (vs. 3-11)
2. The brokenness of life cannot be fixed. (vs. 13-15)
3. Facing this truth brings despair. It's all meaningless. (vs. 16-18)
Title: Sow the Seed!
Text: Mark 4:1-20
Speaker: Ty Zimmerman
1. Many people reject Jesus.
2. The problem is not the SEED, it's the SOIL.
3. Be a seed Sower.
Title: What’s Love Got To Do With It? #9: It’s Who I Am
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 1 John 2:12-17
Theme: God's children live within His love.
1. God's children receive forgiveness for sins.
2. God's children live in relationship with Him.
3. God's children do not love the world.
4. God's children do not love the world.
Title: What’s Love Got to Do With It? #: Facing My Reality
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 1 John 2:3-11
Tests to see if you relationship with God is real:
1. The test of knowing God is obedience.
2. The test of abiding in God is living like Jesus.
3. The test of living in God's light is loving my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Title: What’s Love Got To Dow With It? #7: Facing Racism
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Them: What we as believers need to know:
1. Racism is a sin (Genesis 1:26-28; James 3:9; Rev. 7:9)
2. We are not created for racism. (Romans 5:18-21)
3. We are to live with the attitude of Jesus.
Title: What’s Love Got to Do With It? #6: Location, Location, Location
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Matthew 9:9-10
Theme: Where is our center for ministry and outreach?
I. Jesus did not need a building to start the church, He pursued people.
II. Each follower of Jesus is the center of His ministry.
III. Our mission is fostering all the family of God.
Title: What’s Love Got to Do With It? #5: Failing In Righteousness
Text: Matthew 9:9-13
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Theme: The self-righteous live in contention with Jesus. Symptoms of self-righteousness:
I. The self-righteous are critical of righteous work
II. The self-righteous will promote separation and isolation from those who are sinful.
III. The self-righteous are independent of God's mercy.
Title: What’s Love Got to Do With It? #4: Living in the Tension
Speaker: Matthew Johnson
Text: John 4:1-42
I. What's your why?
II. Know your role.
III. Get out of the box.
IV. Conversation is hard.
Title: What’s Love Got To Do With It? (Impossible)
Speaker Ronnie Roberts
Text: Matthew 5:43-48
Theme: Love your enemy.
I. Jesus calls us to an impossible love.
II. God rules over the impossible.
III. The impossible becomes possible because God is our Father.
Title: DAD
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Ephesians 6:4
Theme: Dads, don't look to be perfect, look to be dependent.
I. Do not embitter your children.
II. Bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
III. Trust in our perfect God.
Title: What's Love Got to Do With It? #2: Us vs. Them
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: John 8:1-11
Theme: Ungodly people, doing ungodly things are not our enemy
1. The world that we live in continues in sinfulness
2. We cannot hurl stones at the offenders.
3. The sinful are not our enemy, they are our mission.
Title: What's Love Got to Do With It? #1: No Mercy
Text: Luke 9:51-56
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Theme: Love has everything to do with God's mercy.
1. Condemning judgment is not in our hands.
2. We cannot resent the fact that God's mercy is available to everyone. (Jonah 4:1-4)
3. We need to learn and live God's mercy.