April 11th, 2021 - Live Stream - Church in Progress: Gifts Please

Title: Church in Progress: Gifts Please
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 1 Corinthians 14:1-5
Theme: God's People are equipped with Spiritual Gifts to build up the church Attitude towards spiritual gifts...
1. Spiritual gifts must be accompanied with a desire for the building up of his church.
2. We should desire and pursue the gifts that bring understanding to fellow believers.
3. We should desire gifts that will bring clarity and truth to unbelievers. (vs. 22-25)

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Eric VonSpreckelsen
February 14th, 2021 - Live Stream - Church in Progress: Whatever It Takes

Title: Church in Progress: Whatever It Takes
Text: 1 Corinthians 9:12
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Theme: We must foster within us the desire to win as many as possible to Christ.
I. Making personal sacrifices is worth reaching those lost. (vs. 15-18)
II. Introducing people to Jesus may require adjustments to my life. (vs. 19-23)
III. Be purposeful in planning and training to win the lost. (vs. 24-27)

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Eric VonSpreckelsen