Family Ministry Sunday
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
I. Fostering the Family of God
II. Reach / Teach / Connect
Taking Root: Ministry to God's Family
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 9:32-43
The Church continues to minister to believers.
I. For those faced with health crises we should look for healing.
II. Where Jesus is actively working people will be drawn to Him.
Taking Root: Unwanted
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 9:19-31
When you are changed through Jesus, life around you changes as well.
I. Conversion and commission go together.
II. Rejection is going to happen.
III. Acceptance will be there as you join God's family.
Taking Root: Kingdom Asset
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 9:3-18
God takes a disadvantage and creates a kingdom advantage.
I. Everything can change once you know that Jesus lives.
II. The wicked can be saved through God's amazing grace.
III. By His grace we become an advantage for the Kingdom.
Taking Root: One on One
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 8:26-39
We have a message that people need to hear.
I. Does God want me to tell others?
II. How will God direct me?
III. How will I know what to say?
Taking Root: Unconverted Convert
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 8:9-24
Not every action will bring about salvation.
I. You can never purchase the gift of God.
II. The objective of the gospel is to transform your heart.
III. It is possible to fail in repentance.
Taking Root: Scatter
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 8:1-8
Be prepared to act on behalf of the gospel.
I. No matter what comes our purpose doesn't change.
II. Learn and put into practice telling the gospel.
III. Know that God is working and will catch the attention of people.
Taking Root: The Seed of Martyrdom
Speaker: Ty Zimmerman
Text: Acts 7:51-60
Stephen's stoning was the catalyst for the advancement of the gospel.
I. A call to Repentance. (Acts 7:51-53, Romans 2:28-29, Galatians 3:19-24)
II. A sign of Rejection. (Acts 7:54)
III. A clear Reward. (Acts 7:55-60, Acts 1:8)
Taking Root: Full of IT
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 6:8-14
Stephen was full of it.
I. Full of faith.
II. Full of grace.
III. Full of the Holy Spirit.
Taking Root: Servant Leaders
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 6:1-7
The church needs servant leaders.
I. As the church grows so does its need for servant leaders.
II. The needs of the church must not take away from our mission to spread and teach the gospel.
III. Servant leaders are selected from within the church and by the church.
Taking Root: Immovable Root
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 5:17-42
The gospel is a threat that cannot be removed.
I. The gospel threatens the status quo.
II. The gospel cannot be silenced.
Title: Taking Root: Mission Unhindered
Speaker: Matthew Johnson
Text: Acts 5:12-16
The disciples' mission was unhindered.
Three keys to an unhindered mission
We must be willing to :
Holiness - Express God's hatred for Sin.
Identification - Meet people at their point of need.
Power - Minister in the power of the Spirit.
Title: Taking Root: Healthy Fear
Speaker: Ronnie Robert
Text: Acts 5:1-11
We must have a healthy fear of God.
Be aware:
I. God is Holy and cannot tolerate sin.
II. Satan is actively enticing.
III. Live honestly before God.
Title: Taking Root: Generous
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 4:32-37; 2:44-46
Jesus transforms our view of this world.
I. In Jesus there is nothing that divides us.
II. What unites us began with God's generosity.
III. No one should be needy among us.
Title: Taking Root: Boldness
Speaker: Ronnie Robert
Text: Acts 4:23-31
We need courage to take the gospel to the lost.
I. The threat is real.
II. We find help in our friends.
III. Strength and courage comes through trusting God.
Title: Taking Root: Trouble
Speaker: Ronnie Robert
Text: Acts 4:1-4
There will be trouble if you follow after Jesus.
I. Conflict will come when you tell the truth about Jesus. (vs. 5-12)
II. Many religious leaders avoid conflict by not teaching Jesus. (vs. 13-18)
III. Should I listen to men or God? You decide. (vs. 19-20)
Title: Taking Root: Give Them Jesus
Speaker: Ronnie Robert
Text: Acts 3:13-21
The gospel message needs repeating.
I. Whenever possible team up.
II. Share what God has done through Jesus.
III. Lead them to repentance or a warning.
Title: Taking Root: Resurrection
Speaker: Ronnie Robert
Text: Acts 2:22-24; 32
The root of our faith is the resurrection of Jesus.
I. It's a fact, Jesus rose from the dead.
II. Jesus is the giver of life.
III. Jesus is judge of mankind.
Title: Taking Root: Response
Speaker: Ronnie Robert
Text: Acts 2:37-41
God creates a people for Himself through Jesus.
Gains of becoming God's people:
I. God graciously forgives.
II. God gifts them with His Holy Spirit.
III. God joins them together as a community. (vs. 42-47)