June 4th, 2023 - Taking Root: Servant Leaders

Taking Root: Servant Leaders
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 6:1-7
The church needs servant leaders.
I. As the church grows so does its need for servant leaders.
II. The needs of the church must not take away from our mission to spread and teach the gospel.
III. Servant leaders are selected from within the church and by the church.

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Eric VonSpreckelsen
May 21st, 2023 - Taking Root: Mission Unhindered

Title: Taking Root: Mission Unhindered
Speaker: Matthew Johnson
Text: Acts 5:12-16
The disciples' mission was unhindered.
Three keys to an unhindered mission
We must be willing to :
Holiness - Express God's hatred for Sin.
Identification - Meet people at their point of need.
Power - Minister in the power of the Spirit.

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Eric VonSpreckelsen
April 23rd, 2023 - Taking Root: Trouble

Title: Taking Root: Trouble
Speaker: Ronnie Robert
Text: Acts 4:1-4
There will be trouble if you follow after Jesus.
I. Conflict will come when you tell the truth about Jesus. (vs. 5-12)
II. Many religious leaders avoid conflict by not teaching Jesus. (vs. 13-18)
III. Should I listen to men or God? You decide. (vs. 19-20)

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Eric VonSpreckelsen
April 2nd, 2023 - Taking Root: Response

Title: Taking Root: Response
Speaker: Ronnie Robert
Text: Acts 2:37-41
God creates a people for Himself through Jesus.
Gains of becoming God's people:
I. God graciously forgives.
II. God gifts them with His Holy Spirit.
III. God joins them together as a community. (vs. 42-47)

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Eric VonSpreckelsen
March 26th, 2023 - Taking Root: First Sermon

Title: Taking Root: First Sermon
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Acts 2:22-36
In the first sermon Peter revealed undeniable evidence that Jesus is Lord.
I. Proof was in the miracles, wonders, and signs.
II. This was a fulfillment of God's definite plan.
III. Jesus was exalted and is seated at God's right hand.

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Eric VonSpreckelsen
February 12th, 2023 - Living Ready

Title: Living Ready
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 2 Peter 3:10-18
"You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming." (vs. 11-12)
I. Live holy and godly lives.
II. We are to actively wait for that day.
III. Let's do what we can to speed up the day of the Lord.

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Eric VonSpreckelsen
January 22nd, 2023 - False Teachers

Title: False Teachers
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 2 Peter 2:1-3
The truth is constantly under attack.
I. False teachers distort the truth.
II. False teachers lead people away and use them.
III. False teachers face destruction and will take the people they lead with them.

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Eric VonSpreckelsen