Title: Beautiful Design
Speaker: Matthew Johnson
Text: Genesis 2:18-25
I. Marriage without God is not marriage.
II. Marriage with God is:
a. Equal
b. Loyal
c. Intimate
III. Marriage is about more than marriage.
Title: Living Ready
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 2 Peter 3:10-18
"You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming." (vs. 11-12)
I. Live holy and godly lives.
II. We are to actively wait for that day.
III. Let's do what we can to speed up the day of the Lord.
Title: Truth Stands
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 2 Peter 3:1-9
Through all the lies that are told truth will always stand.
I. The truth stands today.
II. As the truth has stood in the past.
III. So the truth will stand in the future.
Title: The Content of Their Character (False Teachers Part 2)
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 2 Peter 2:10-22
We must steer clear of false teachers.
I. They are bold and arrogant in their ignorance. (vs. 11-14)
II. They are empty and have no message for you. (vs. 15-19)
III. They are like dogs that return to their vomit. (vs. 20-22)
Title: False Teachers
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 2 Peter 2:1-3
The truth is constantly under attack.
I. False teachers distort the truth.
II. False teachers lead people away and use them.
III. False teachers face destruction and will take the people they lead with them.
Title: Reliable Message (Confidence Part 2)
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 2 Peter 1:12-21
We can have confidence in the message we've been given.
I. Peter records his message so that you will always remember.
II. The gospel is confirmed by eyewitnesses.
III. The gospel is firmly grounded in God's Old Testament prophecies.
Title: Confidence
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 2 Peter 1:3-11
We have reason to live with confidence.
I. We can have confidence because God has given us all we need.
II. We can have confidence by our focused effort.
III. We live confidence with no more stumbling.
Title: Bible Committed
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Romans 15:4
Scripture is the inspired, true Word of God and the only source of the church's authority.
I. Scripture is the inspired, true Word of God
II. The Bible is the only source of the church's authority.
III. Let us grow in commitment to God's Word.
Title: Lyrics of Christmas Part 5: I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Title: Lyrics of Christmas Part 4: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: John 8:42-45
Satan is a liar and hates the truth.
I. He does not want you to know the truth.
II. He does not want you to live the truth.
III. He does not want you to declare the truth.
Title: Lyrics of Christmas Part 3: Mild He Lay...
Speaker: Eric VonSpreckelsen
Text: Philippians 2:6-11
Jesus' entry into the world reveals His humility.
I. Jesus did not seek advantage from His position.
II. Jesus' humility led Him to submit to death.
III. Jesus' humility will ultimately lead to His glorification.
Title: Lyrics of Christmas Part 2: What Child Is This
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: John 1:1-4
This Child is significant.
I. He is the Word that became flesh.
II. He is the life and light of men.
Title: Lyrics of Christmas Part 1: Longing for Jesus
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: Isaiah 11:1-5 The birth of Jesus was eagerly anticipated.
I. People need a Savior.
II. Jesus brings hope to the hopeless.
III. Jesus comes to Rule.
Unfortunately we lost our internet connection near the end of the sermon on Sunday. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Title: Chosen: Suffering for Being a Christian
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 1 Peter 4:12-19
Living for Jesus attracts troubles.
I. We cannot be surprised when trouble comes.
II. We (the church) will face judgment first.
III. If you face suffering do not fall.
Title: Chosen: The End is Near
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 1 Peter 4:1-11
Live God's will with the time we have left.
Two keys to aligning with God's will in these last days:
I. Purposeful effective prayer.
II. Love for each other.
IIA. Be hospitable.
IIB. Server through your gifts.
Title: Chosen: Such Good Lives Part 2
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 1 Peter 3:8-17
We are called to live good in the midst of evil.
I. We are to repay evil with good.
II. We must be prepared to give an answer.
III. We will learn to live more like Jesus. (3:18-22)
Title: Chosen: Such Good Lives
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 1 Peter 2:11-12
We are to live our identity as God's people.
Peter gives two points for how we are to live.
I. Do not follow the ways of sinfulness.
II. Treat worldly people with honor.
IIa. To those with authority we are to submit.
IIb. To those who have authority be considerate and honoring.
Title: Chosen: Boasting for the Nation
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 1 Peter 2:4-10
As God's Nation we have much to boast about.
I. We can boast in its Savior.
II. We can boast in our undeserved identity.
III. We must boast in the one who made it all possible.
Title: Chosen: Excelling in Love
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 1 Peter 1:22-2:31
Make the most of the love you've been given.
I. Go deeper. |
II. Rid yourself of what is contrary.
III. Grow in salvation.
Title: Chosen: Foreigner
Speaker: Ronnie Roberts
Text: 1 Peter 1:13-21
God's chosen people don't belong to sin anymore.
I. Do not return to your past sinfulness.
II. Grow in God's holiness.